Isaiah 51

  • Vv. 1-3 God provides evidence that he is more than capable of providing comfort and reviving the nation of Israel by pointing to the barren Abraham and Sarah, saying that if he can bring a great nation from their situation he is more than able to salvage Israel. This promise is for those who pursue righteousness and seek the Lord.

  • Vv. 4-6 The people of Zion are experiencing discomfort in this moment of their history; but for those who seek the Lord and pursue righteousness will be able to taste and experience the everlasting salvation and that is going out from the Lord.

  • Vv. 7-8 Those who are in the Lord, though they may experience the hatred of their fellow man, will ultimately find peace in the salvation of the Lord.

  • Vv. 9-11 The people are seen calling out to the Lord who has allowed them to be oppressed as if he were asleep. They call out to God remembering him as the God who has fought victoriously since the creation of the world. They remember his victory over their oppressors in Egypt and call for a new exodus.

  • Vv. 12-16 The Lord is seen responding to the cries of his people, reminding them as to who he is. Next to him, their oppressors are like grass. Their wrath is swallowed up in his own. The Lord is God if creation, and nature itself obeys his commands. He has claimed a people as his own; the people can find comfort in that promise.

  • Vv. 17-20 The tables are turned on the people of Israel as they come to learn that it was not God who was asleep, but rather that they had fallen asleep on him! The Lord has given Israel to drink his wrath, and it has left them directionless. The wrath of the Lord removed them of all their crutches that might be able to blind them from depending on the Lord. At this point, the remnant of Israel must look too God for hope and a future.

  • Vv. 21-23 God is seen taking the wrath that was once upon the Israelites and is now going it to their oppressors. The tormentors of Israel will no longer walk over her, but instead will find themselves defeated by the Lord.

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