Isaiah 50

This chapter contains the third of what are widely considered a collection of four Servant Songs in Isaiah. 

  • Vv. 1-3 The people of Israel reflect a sinful spouse and have been sent into exile because of their sins.

  • Vv. 4-9 Here we are given the excruciating details of the suffering servant. We see him face such pain, not out of some form of punishment for anything he did, but rather rather because others were found guilty.

  • Vv. 10-11 We are given two different responses to the suffering servant. First we see that those who obey the voice of the servant will find some comfort. Alternatively, some will light their torches and fight against the servant, looking to light their own way. These people will only find torment.

Summary: We are given a comparison between the stubborn Judah and the Suffering Servant. Judah has to be sent away into exile, not because God was divorcing them, but rather to gain their ear. God would rather they take on the character of the the Servant. The Servant is humble, allowing his ministry to be led by the Lord. He humbles himself even to the abuses of those around him, all for the glory of the Lord. The author gives the audience two responses to this comparison: humble yourselves and listen to the Lord through the voice of the Servant, or light your own torch and find only torment. 

Challenge: Spend time pointing out spots in this passage where you see Christ. What is the connection to our own lives today?

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