Isaiah 48
Vv. 1-11 God desires that his people hear what he has to say that they may be changed for his glory. This type of hearing is not simply detecting the voice of the Lord, but rather taking what the Lord is saying and allowing it to change their life. He desires that his people may know him and through that knowing his own glory may be shown.
Vv. 12-22 God reaffirms the people of Israel, declaring that it is by his hand that they will be freed from the Babylonians. We can infer the connection to Cyrus, who has already been mentioned and whom God has already chosen to be his vessel over this work. The Lord is bringing the people out in order to bless them and they are declare the glory of the Lord. For the wicked, however, there will be no peace.
How are we able to see our own salvation worked out in the midst of God bringing his own glory?
With such discussion of the glory of the Lord being the most important goal of history, how does it impact how we see the Christmas season that we are entering into?
Who is able to experience peace?
If you had to make this entire chapter a sentence, what would it be? How is it relevant to us today?