Isaiah 46

  • Vv. 1-2 Bel and Nebo are the Two main gods of the Babylonian religion. They were carried into town by animals for their festivals. This shows that they are dependent on outside forces that they may move. God moves the future of Israel himself, whereas the gods of Babylon are being carried into captivity. 

    • How are modern idols like these two mentioned? In what ways is the burden of these idols placed on those who believe in them?

  • Vv. 3-4 God distinguishes himself from the gods of Babylon by claiming that he is the opposite of those gods. He carries his people, and it is by him the people will be saved. 

  • Vv. 5-7 God once again distinguishes himself from the idols of the people by pointing to what the idols lack. God points out that idols are nothing but created things, made from things people find useful or valuable. The idols are unable to move themselves, but must be carried if they are to go anywhere. It also has no ability to save the people who created it in the first place. 

  • Vv. 8-11 God gives us actionable steps that we may be a faithful people, dating off the idols of the world. We are called to remember, stand firm, and recall it to mind all the things that the Lord has done for us. It is by looking to the past that we may find comfort and hope for the future. Surely what the Lord has declared will come into fruition. Immediately, Cyrus will be the bird of prey from the east who will bring about deliverance. 

    • How does this call to action differ than that of the action for idol-worshippers?

  • Vv. 12-13 God calls out to those who struggle to hear this proclamation of God’s strength over the idols, saying that the day of his salvation is soon to come. 

Although we are unable to see God, we have surely seen him move in our lives and in the lives of those around us. In times of discomfort and brokenness, we must lean into what we know to be true about our God. We cannot fall trap into the sweet lie of believing that we will find salvation through any other means than our Lord. We cannot look to the created things of man and believe that it is through those things that we will find and experience life. 

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