The Way of the Cross 4/7/2019
The Way of the Cross
Matt. 16: 21-23 NASB
God’s Way does not make sense to the natural man
Isa. 55: 8-9
God’s Way brings life from death
Col. 2: 13-14 NASB
Heb. 9: 22 NASB
Matt. 10: 38-39 NASB
Rom. 8: 12-13 NASB
Gal. 2: 20 NASB
God’s Way is the way of Love
John 3: 16 NASB
Luke 6: 27-28 NASB
Gal. 5: 16-21 TM
1 Cor. 12: 31- 13: 7 TM
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The Way of the Cross