Developing a Biblical Identity 3/31/2019
You are God’s Child
John 1:12-13 NASB
You are Christ’s Friend
John 15:15-16 NASB
You have been justified
John 5: 1-2 NASB
You are united with Christ and are one spirit with Him
1 Cor. 6:17 NASB
You have been bought with a price and you belong to God
1 Cor. 6:19-20 NASB
You are a member of Christ’s Body
1 Cor. 12:27 NASB
You are a saint
Eph. 1: 1 NASB
You have been adopted as God’s child
Eph. 1: 5 NASB
You have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit
Eph. 2: 18 NASB
You have been redeemed and forgiven of all your sins
Col. 1: 13-14 NASB
You are complete in Christ
Col. 2: 9-10 NASB