Isaiah 63:1-14
Vv. 1-6 A conversation is being held between God and the intercessor. The Lord appears as one as strong and mighty. The blood-stained Christ is seen in Revelation 19:11-16.
V. 1 The Lord chooses to describe himself, in a passage that speaks of the vengeance of God, as righteous and mighty to save.
V. 3 The Lord is pictured with crimson garments because he had enacted his wrath upon the people of Edom and Bozrah.
V. 4 Vengeance and redemption are intimately tied.
V. 5 Emphasis is brought to the idea that there was no one to uphold the commands of the Lord.
V. 6 Punishment came to the people and they received their fill for their evil deeds.
Vv. 7-9 The intercessor is seen returning to the conversation. He brings to remembrance the love of the Lord and the praise he deserves.
V. 7 Positive words used: steadfast love (twice), praises, granted us, great goodness, compassion, abundance. This shows, in spite of the vengeance poured out, the Lord is good.
V. 8 As the people are told to remember the goodness of God, the Lord is also seen remembering that these are his covenant people.
V. 9 The Lord is seen sharing in the pain that his people experience. He brought about judgement, but He also brings salvation.
Vv. 10-14 The intercessor calls on the Lord to remember the things he has done and show himself at this time to his people.
V. 14 The intercessor reminds the Lord that he leads his people, and he must do so again into a land of rest.