Isaiah 63:1-14

  • Vv. 1-6 A conversation is being held between God and the intercessor. The Lord appears as one as strong and mighty. The blood-stained Christ is seen in Revelation 19:11-16.

    • V. 1 The Lord chooses to describe himself, in a passage that speaks of the vengeance of God, as righteous and mighty to save.

    • V. 3 The Lord is pictured with crimson garments because he had enacted his wrath upon the people of Edom and Bozrah.

    • V. 4 Vengeance and redemption are intimately tied.

    • V. 5 Emphasis is brought to the idea that there was no one to uphold the commands of the Lord.

    • V. 6 Punishment came to the people and they received their fill for their evil deeds.

  • Vv. 7-9 The intercessor is seen returning to the conversation. He brings to remembrance the love of the Lord and the praise he deserves.

    • V. 7 Positive words used: steadfast love (twice), praises, granted us, great goodness, compassion, abundance. This shows, in spite of the vengeance poured out, the Lord is good.

    • V. 8 As the people are told to remember the goodness of God, the Lord is also seen remembering that these are his covenant people.

    • V. 9 The Lord is seen sharing in the pain that his people experience. He brought about judgement, but He also brings salvation.

  • Vv. 10-14 The intercessor calls on the Lord to remember the things he has done and show himself at this time to his people.

    • V. 14 The intercessor reminds the Lord that he leads his people, and he must do so again into a land of rest.

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