Isaiah 59

Vv. 1-8 God’s reach and power is unlimited, and yet human sin creates a wall between ourselves and this powerful and loving God. Instead of turning from their sin and to the Lord, they run towards evil.

Vv. 9-13 Isaiah shows the people that it is not that God is forcing to walk in darkness, but rather that the sins in which the people freely participated in ensnared them in gloom.

Vv. 14-21 Justice and righteousness keeps distanced from the sinners. This displeased the Lord as he recognized the broken people’s need for an intercessor to bridge the gap. From the Lord is sent an redeemer that the broken might experience the light that comes from justice and righteousness. V. 21 presents to us a new covenant where the promises of God are brought to the offspring of the redeemed fulfilled through the redeemer.

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