Isaiah 26

And we are back like we never left. Hello my fellow Isaiah studiers, welcome to chapter 26. What a blessing it is that in the midst of so much pain and chaos and brokenness we are still able to gather with one another and open God’s Word. I am so thankful that we live in a place where we have the option of coming into his presence or to not. That we are by no means forced to be with the Lord, while we also are not prohibited. I pray that we do not take such a privilege for granted, but rather that we may use that privilege for the betterment of ourselves and the society as a whole. May we use this time to develop ourselves into disciples of Christ, shedding the light of him who is in us into the dark corners of our world. May the fruit of the Spirit which grow from our lives feed the world, that they may taste Christ’s goodness by the testimony of our own lives. How beautiful that Gospel is; that God is in the process of making all things new, giving his creation freedom through reconciliation. We need that reconciliation. I pray this study encourage you, give you wisdom, and allow you to see the hand of God more clearly. 

Last week we looked at chapter 25 in the section that exists from 24-27. This is referred to by some scholars as the “tale of two cities”. We see in this section two cities, one opposed to God and his purposes and another who are submitted to the Lord’s perfect plan and therefore reaping the benefits of being under the Lord. We see in chapter 25 God swallowing the veil and death, allowing men to be with God fully. This is a great difference than the communion Moses shared with God and Israel. The glory that Moses experienced with God faded from his face, so Moses wore a veil. But we do not need a veil, because death has been defeated and the distance between God and man removed. Therefore, we can be in relationship with the Lord and through it transformed into his likeness. How powerful! This week, we will be continuing in this “tale of two cities” where we see God promising peace to a suffering people. Let’s break this down: 

  • Vv. 1-6 We see the reversal of fortune for those who have been oppressed and beaten down. The city of man is laid low in chs. 24-25, leaving the poor and needy to trample underfoot those whom have persecuted them. The city of the righteous, who had once lost their city, have a resurrected city that is stronger and more magnificent than the one previous. This is made possible by the trust exhibited by those who have faith in the Lord, allowing the righteous to remain in perfect peace. 

  • Vv. 7-15 The way of the righteous and obedient is made level by the Lord, while the way of the wicked brings judgement. The wicked will not understand this judgement. But if God allowed them to continue to be wicked, they would never be able to see the majesty of the Lord. They would be robbed of an experience with a perfect God! But, for the righteous, the only reason we were able to do one good thing was because the Lord working in us to begin with. Though we have had kings and idols over us at one time or another, God proves himself faithful to his people by defeating each one and blotting them from memory that we may be completely reconciled to the Lord. 

  • Vv. 16-19 The discipline from the Lord is heavy and painful, causing us to cry out as a woman giving birth. But when we gave birth, we produced only wind. This shows the ability of man on their own. Israel, God’s chosen people, were unable to produce any deliverance on their own. Following the Law was not enough to bring reconciliation from their sins. Yet, the Lord declares that by his hand the earth will give birth to the dead. Those who believe who have passed will not perish but be raised from their graves! Those asleep will be awakened and sing for joy because the Lord has provided a way out of death and into life. 

  • Vv. 20-21 While God is pouring out judgement, the Lord tells those who believe to be patient and wait in our room. 

Here are the key takeaways from this chapter:

Perfect Peace: This chapter explains that those who keep their mind fixed on the Lord and those who trust in the Lord will remain in perfect peace. This comes in the midst of losing all earthly things that are important to these people. Their land, their homes, their families, their friends. Yet in the midst of tragedy, their faith carries them into transcendent peace. I pray that this kind of peace pours out over our world. But this requires several things. First off, we need a radical reconnecting with the provider of that peace. We need people to return to faith, return to trusting only in the Lord. We cannot place our trust in the government, in money, our jobs, the military, our guns, our things. We need to trust the Lord. The second thing we need are Christians to step up and be vessels of that perfect peace. Sadly, many believers are responding in worldly ways. We are responding in fear. We are responding out of love not of God but ourselves and our things. How can the world know peace if his people are more fearful than people who do not know him. 

Giving Birth to Wind: What a powerful image, that we are only able to produce wind in a state of giving birth. We could not produce deliverance, peace, hope, love, nothing. Although we were able to produce no child, God gave up his own Son, Jesus Christ, on our behalf. And it is through his Son that the dead will be given new life through the power of the Holy Spirit! Although we were unable to produce anything apart from the Lord that would make us worthy of his gift, our faith in him is proven to be enough to be given new life, resurrection from the dead and eternal life with our Loving Creator. 

Dead will Rise:We are blessed to have this prophecy from Isaiah, a Word from the Lord. Although there is much pain and suffering, and though people are dying all around Isaiah, God has given the promise to the believer that though they may be buried and turned to dust, they will not die. Though they may be dead, God will provide a resurrection. This promise is both confirmed and renewed in the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. We surely have been granted eternal life through the ministry of Jesus Christ. If even death cannot defeat us, than what do we have to fear? Surely, there should not be one weapon formed against that causes a stir of trouble in our souls. God is for us. Who can be against us? 

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