Isaiah 44

  • Vv. 1-5 There has been much made of the blind and deaf people of Israel who have disobeyed the Lord and have been punished accordingly. But the Lord, in this passage, makes it known to the people of Israel that they are still his chosen nation. Because of this, they will surely be blessed. 

    • God’s judgement brings Israel to a desolate and dry place, that he may bring them back to life through the water that is the Spirit. 

      • Make an analogy for the scenario stated above. Why does God need to make the place desolate and dry first?

  • Vv. 6-8 The Lord declares his glory and by his own Name he will uphold his promises to the people he has chosen. We are to be witnesses to what the Lord is doing. 

    • The theme of the “Rock” is referenced in the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32. In this song, Moses uses rock in reference to God and to idols. We are given the idea that the Rock that is God is an immovable redeemer. Meanwhile, the rock that are idols are lifeless and ignoble. 

    • Our role is not to mark the course for God redemption, but rather be witness to the light that is being shed. 

      • How does this idea of being a witness challenge our idea of what a believer is supposed to look like?

  • Vv. 9-18 The Lord lays the case of the folly of idol worshippers and their idols. He gives us a small narration of the lives and actions of these worshippers and calls out how silly the act in itself is. The idols are made by human hands who are faulty and form these lifeless gods with great effort. The worshipper himself uses half the wood of the idol for food and warmth, and the other for worship. The material of their gods are part of the simple act of fire making. 

    • The contrast is that our God needs not human hands to be made, but tirelessly creates all things himself for his own glory. He is not made up of simple things, but is to be worshipped because their is nothing like him in the cosmos. 

  • Vv. 21-28 God surely has redeemed Israel and their transgressions have disappeared like a mist. He introduces that Cyrus will be the instrument of choice in redeeming Israel. 

    • This section proves to say that God is caring, wise, antagonist to the sinner, and guide of all history. Amen. 

    • Cyrus will fulfill the role of shepherd that the kings of Israel were supposed to fill. 

      • How could Cyrus, a foreign king, fulfill the biblically sacred role of shepherd king?

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