1 Samuel 3
Vv. 1-3 The Word of the Lord was rare in the days of Samuel’s youth and the Lord was not meeting people in visions. I think about our own time and feel that the consensus amount believers is much of the same. We are able to perceive the presence of the Lord, but not many are receiving visions. There is no explosive revival surrounding us. We go through the motions but we feel as God’s activity is low.
Is the presence of God missing right now?
Vv. 4-9 Suddenly the Lord calls out to the young Samuel. This is an interesting choice in human terms, as Eli and his sons presumably would be the first choice to experience the Lord. The Lord was calling, yet Samuel was not sure who he was answering. I also feel this is prevalent in American churches. God is calling, and yet we are not sure of his voice. Eli understands what is happening and gives some good advice. The text does not tell us, but imagine what Eli must feel. Is he overwhelmed and overjoyed that the Lord is speaking? Is he sad or jealous that it is not him or his sons hearing?
Vv. 10-14 Samuel is obedient to Eli and to the Lord, listening to the Lord. God is on the move. He declares judgement upon ELi and his household.
Vv. 15-4:1a Young Samuel tells of this vision. Eli accepts the message from the Lord. And God blessed Samuel and the people knew God was with him. Scripture beautifully says and the word of the Lord was revealed to Samuel, and the word of Samuel went out to all of Israel.
This passage speaks of knowing the voice of the Lord. How do we know the voice of God? How can we be sure it is him? How does this relate to Eli and his sons?