Want to know your Spiritual Gift?

Knowing your spiritual gift can be a wonderful step in knowing how best to help in the Kingdom of God. You can use this online resource for free to help you discover your gifting: https://gifts.churchgrowth.org/spiritual-gifts-survey/

It is worth remembering that these websites do not know you! So though it may claim something is your gift, it may not be 100% accurate. Another way of going about it is by giving a family member or close friend a list of gifts then allow them to share how they see you work in the world around you.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions. God bless!

Online Giving Opportunity

We have the wonderful opportunity of giving to the church through the online platform tithe.ly. In order to give, you will need to create an account so that the bank account or credit card you use will be secure. All funds go directly to the church, this is an additional tool for your regularly giving. Thank you! If interested click below.

What do the Friends Believe?

Urbana Friends Church aligns it’s beliefs with our denomination, the Evangelical Friends Church Eastern Region. All of our beliefs are intimately tied with and taken strictly from Scripture, the inspired Word of God. To read of our stance on the fundamentals of the Christian faith as well as our alignment on current issues, please follow this link (https://www.efcer.org/faithandpractice) to our “Faith and Practice”. To discuss our stances on faith further, feel free to contact Pastor Jacob at pastorjacobhayward@gmail.com.

What Bible Should I Get?

Our church does not support any one translation of Bible, but instead are inclusive to whatever translation you feel suits your own spiritual development. We at Urbana Friends Church feel that the most important aspect of the Bible of your choice is that you read it! That being said, maybe you are looking to get a Bible for the first time, or maybe you want a different writing style. Here are some suggested options on what to look for when getting a new Bible.

  • NASB (New American Standard Bible)- Often considered the most literal translation of the Bible in the English language. Definitely not the most readable because of it’s rigidity, but certainly easy enough.

  • ESV (English Standard Version)- A very literal translation of Scripture made slightly more readable. Very modern language.

  • KJV (King James Version)- The good ol’ version that many in the United States use. We at Urbana Friends do not believe that this translation is the only good translation. It does give a good translation using old English, affecting the readability. The translation still derives from the textus receptus, which is a later version of the Bible. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but generally the earlier the document the translation is from the better. If you want a good translation in the beautiful and poetic nature of old English, this is your version!

  • NIV (New International Version)- This translation is a thought for thought translation, meaning it sacrifices some of the literal wording for an easier understanding for the reader. Still good and an easier read for beginners or for those trying to make reading Scripture easier.

  • NLT (New Living Translation)- This is a paraphrase translation, meaning it’s main purpose is to make Scripture enjoyable to read. Many people use this for personal devotion time or even to start their sermons!

Ultimately, your choice comes down to your preference. It is our prayer that you worry less about which Bible you carry and more that you are carrying and reading a Bible at all! There are more translations not listed, these are just some popular translations out right now. If you have questions about how they got these translations, which Bible to get, or any other questions, please contact Pastor Jacob at pastorjacobhayward@gmail.com.

Online Resources for Our Senior Citizens

Most of us will experience mobility limitations, physical impairments and cognitive changes over time and in the midst of a global pandemic. Not every senior lives near a helping hand, which is where the church community can help step in - and in a big, impactful way!

Below, you’ll find a list of 15 resources to plug in to help those in need. 

Consider taking action today!

4 Ways to Help with Aging-in-Place:

Don’t Let Hazards in Their Home Prevent Aging in Place by Seniors

11 Low-Cost, DIY Aging in Place Modifications

Common In-Home Injuries for Seniors and How to Prevent Them

4 Questions to Ask About Senior Safety At Home

6 Ways to Help with Daily Living:

10 Signs A Senior May Need Assistance with Daily Living 

The 5 Tasks Seniors Need Help With the Most

18 Easy and Healthy Meals for Seniors

Healthy Aging in Place: 3 Ideas for Seniors Who Want to Eat Nutritiously

Protective Face Masks: Resources on Making and Wearing Them

Finding Transportation Services for Seniors

5 Ways to Help with Social Isolation:

What is Senior Isolation, and What Can You Do to Help?

Easy Ways to Help Seniors Stay Social

How To Avoid Loneliness And Social Isolation For Seniors

33 Practical and Creative Senior Care Package Ideas

How to Help Seniors Boost Physical and Mental Health During Quarantine

Additional Resources

For those needing help with Mesothelioma:
