Urbana Friends Church

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Judges 21

Vv. 1-7 The men of Israel had destroyed Benjamin, but they were greatly saddened that one of the tribes might be erased. Each tribe had made a vow to not send wives to Benjamin in order that their line may continue. They now seek to get around that oath. 

There are many times where we may actually be saddened by the ridding of sin or a bad habit. Take for example overeating Oreos. It’s best I stop eating them so often for my health and my wallet, but man they are good! Do you see the begrudging caging off of sin, if so how should our attitude be that is different from the tribes of Israel towards Benjamin?

Vv. 8-12 The tribes of Israel devise a plan to help the lineage of Benjamin: to send wives from a tribe who was not present when the oath had taken place. This lot fell to those in Jabesh-gilead. The tribes of Israel attacked them that they might obtain 400 virgins to send to Benjamin. 

Interesting they would sacrifice one people to save another that was failing due to their own sins. 

Vv. 13-15 The Israelites proclaim peace to Benjamin and those who had survived returned to become one with Israel. 

Vv. 16-24 A second plan is made that the people of Benjamin may find a wife. They are to go to Shiloh and, when the females come to dance in celebration of the feast, the Benjaminites are to ambush and grab steal for themselves a wife. Through this, the wicked tribe of Benjamin is continued. 

V. 25 The closing line is a repeated one. It is to create a desire for the audience to want a king. A king would rule justly, protect the people from foreign invasion of thought and gods, and would direct the people to God. A king would take the best characteristics of the judges and yet be more powerful. A king is needed that the people may see beyond themselves and instead look towards the good of society. 

How is the desire for a king fulfilled by David? How is it better fulfilled by Jesus?

In what ways are we looking for a king today? Can those desires and requirements be satisfied by the Lord?