Urbana Friends Church

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Joshua 6

We are marching onto Jericho in order to see what God might do in Joshua 6. It is my prayer that you have come into this study with a great expectation for a move of God. Not because of anything that I write or your ability to reason, but rather because the Spirit of God is alive and moving through the Words of Scripture. That Spirit has the power to breathe life into those dead places in our lives, bring light to the darkness, and to break down the walls of places the Gospel ought to go! It is my prayer that you read this study not to memorize but to experience. Experience the movement of God seen by the Israelites long ago, but prayerfully experience the move of God that is happening across the world, even within your own heart. Pray with me that this time not just be another time of study, but a fanning of the flames in order that we may be a people burning with energy on behalf of a living God. Amen.

Last study we looked into chapter 5. Chapter 5 is a powerful section of Scripture that speaks of an empowered Israelite army preparing to face their first battle. This new generation of Israelites are under new leadership with a new God-filled confidence. They have spied out Jericho and have come to know of the fear the nations of the Promised Land are experiencing. They have crossed the flooded Jordan river by the hand of God and have camped in the Land. They did not have war chants or training, but instead circumcised themselves, remembered the Passover, and brought themselves close to the Lord who they believe will grant them victory. Reading this narrative and build up brings electricity to my chest. The confidence that the Lord certainly will be there is palpable. The nervousness of new mixes with the sureness of God and his promises. Staring at the impassible walls of Jericho expecting the impossible. There is no battle plan, no training, just trust. Let’s break down chapter 6.

  • V. 1 Kind of like our current situation. 

  • V. 2 God says that he has given Jericho into the hands of Israel. What a powerful feeling to know victory has already been granted to them if they obey his command. It does not matter how mighty the enemy king is our how well trained the army is: God is greater. 

  • Vv. 3-5 Marching orders. Although, these sure sound strange. Not once do they raise a weapon against Jericho. They are simply to march around the city and then yell, and these mighty walls will fall. Is this for real? I cannot imagine, with the possibility of death looming over them, acting in faith in this way. 

  • Vv. 6-11 The people did as God and Joshua had commanded them. Imagine being there. The Israelites, marching around the city without making a noise. Trumpets blasting declaring the presence of the Lord. Moving in unexpected ways. The growing confusion turning to fear in the people of Jericho. What kind of people are these Israelites? This had to be one of the strangest sights for a city to see. 

  • V. 12 Joshua is once again rising early in the morning. Having an expectation to experience God yanks him out of bed. The anticipation of the coming of the Lord excites him. It drives him into action. 

  • Vv. 13-15 They just marched their way around the city. I wonder why Jericho formed no attack against them? The battle must have been won already so mightily that they could form no weapon against them. 

  • Vv. 16-19 Shout, Israel, because the city is now yours! What a shout of praise! But they were warned to not take things that may lead to their own destruction. How often do we experience blessings from God and then take more than we were granted? Our desires are never satisfied. 

  • V. 20 This great wall that protected the city of Jericho proved to be no match for God. With the shout of an army the wall fell flat, allowing the inhabitants to be brought to destruction. 

  • Vv. 22-25 Rahab is rescued. The fine things brought into the treasury of the Lord. 

  • V. 27 The Lord is surely behind Joshua and the Israelites. What an epic series of events and pronouncement of the Lord entering the Land. 

Here are some key takeaways:

The battle-less battle: What is so miraculous about breaking down the walls of a fortified city is that Israel did so without raising a weapon. I am sure the people of Jericho felt some sort of comfort knowing that between themselves and Israel was this massive structure that was difficult and deadly to enter into. Yet Israel simply marched around it and shouted at the appropriate time! It reminds us today that God has power over our circumstances and the ability to grant us victory. We try too often to face our battles on our own, but God’s path to victory often is much simpler and easier. It simply requires obedience. 

Fortress fallen flat: The walls of Jericho fall due to the obedience of the Israelites to the plans of God. As a child I loved building things. As the structure would grow larger, the anxiety surrounding it’s destruction also grew. You never knew when an attack from a younger sister may occur. This lesson learned early on seems to carry on in many of our lives. We do whatever we can to build our own cities, our own selves, our own happiness. We work so hard and create walls to protect what we have built for ourselves. Sometimes, to remind us of our need for him, he allows our walls to fall flat. The pillars of worldly support that we so often build our lives on are not safe for us, they are shifting sands. God says I have a plan for you. He wants to build you up. He wants to be your source of life. He wants to be your firm foundation and your protection.

Joshua’s fame: Joshua became famous because the Lord was with him. What is it that people know you for? I pray that your goal is to be known as a Christ follower. This comes in two forms. Other people often see you through the things they appreciate personally. If someone loves to eat good food and you are a good cook, they will most likely say that you are a good cook! But I pray that they cannot help to admit that they know and see you as a Christian. One who loves deeply, hopes always, and has joy in the valley. I pray they feel your warmth, see the light through you. Secondly, and most importantly, I pray that you yourself see yourself as a believer first. I pray you feel a closeness to the Lord. And I pray that your goal is to be known for being a believer in Christ.