Urbana Friends Church

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Isaiah 30

Vv. 1-7 Israel has made a deal with their longtime historic enemy for protection. This goes against the plan of God and his will. God will allow them to walk into the failure in which they created for themselves.

  • It is crazy to us as modern day readers to think that Israel would trade the promised protection of the Lord for that of one who would surely fail. Yet, this is what happens to us even today when we allow sin to wrap its chains around our hearts. They turned to Egypt because if they were to turn to the Lord they knew they’d have to give up their sinfulness. We live in a time where decisions about where we run to in times of trouble are made daily. Where is the line where we are trusting in the institutions that God blessed us with but ultimately our faith is in God, and on the other side replacing the one true God with false promises from those same institutions?

Vv. 8-11 Israel is actively avoiding listening to the Lord.

  • We see Israel so wrapped up in their sin that they are sick and tired of hearing anything about the Lord. I believe that this happens to Christians often even today. They get tired of church, of giving, of the pastor going on and on. What are some ways we as Christians can stay fresh in our devotions, in our excitement for church, in our love for the Lord?

Vv. 12-14 God will allow their sin and turning from the Lord to cause them to break. It will be their end as a nation.

Vv. 15-17 If only Israel had returned to the Lord they would have found rest. If they had faith in the Lord they would have been strong enough to fend off any enemy.

  • This is a decision we have to make as Christians today. It is hard to turn to the Lord every morning. If you do not love the Lord, why would you ever want to carry your cross daily? And when the world is closing in on you, how easy is it to stay in quiet faith? Yet, in that faith we find strength. What are some practices you have that draw you into faith in the Lord? What do you do that reconnects you daily to the Lord?

Vv. 18-33 What a beautiful description of the Lord and his care for his people. All power and glory displayed.

  • We are able to experience the promise of grace which is spoken of to close chapter 30. Spend some time in prayer thinking on how God has shown you grace this far but also where you still need grace.

Blessings,Jacob Hayward