Isaiah 43
Vv. 1-7 Israel has gotten itself into a place where, at the end of chapter 42, they are described as blind and deaf. God brought judgement on them because of their failure to recognize him as God and Savior. But God promises in this section that he will not leave them beaten and in fear. Rather, he will restore Israel by redeeming them into right standing with him who is their Savior and Lord.
V. 1 There are two reasons given as to why Israel ought not fear. First it is because of the divine decision made by the Lord to redeem them. Secondly, it is because he has chosen them as his own.
How does this promise relate to us today?
V. 2 The idea of passing through the waters connects Israel to the exodus, a time when God revealed himself and brought the Israelites out from oppression.
V. 3 A ransom must be paid that the people of Israel be redeemed. There is no price he would not pay for the salvation of his people, going so far as to send his Son, who is Christ, to die that all who believe may be redeemed.
V. 4 He makes precious from the subpar, honorable from dishonor, beloved from despised.
Vv. 5-7 God declares that he will bring Israel home, a beautiful hope for the broken nation.
Vv. 8-13 God calls all people to gather under him to witness his glory, that he surely is the one and only God. He declares that he will be the Savior and through Israel his power and glory is proven.
V. 10 The role of Israel in the process of being redeemed and placed into proper relationship with the Lord is to be a witness. Likewise, we today need to practice being good witnesses.
What can we witness about today, and what does a good witness look like? How do we witness?
Vv. 14-21 God promises to topple the Babylonians, conquerors of Israel. God is also declaring that there will be a second exodus where the enemies of God are defeated and the people of God will find their sustenance in him.
V. 16, 19 This verse copies the phrasing of the exodus, showing that this ongoing redemptive work is going to be the new exodus.
In what ways does God unfold this “new exodus?”
V. 21 Reminds us, again, that the role of Israel is to praise God for his goodness and mercy.
Vv. 22-28 We see God return to describing the failures of Israel in praising the name of the Lord in their original call. He declares that he is saving Israel in spite of their incompetence, that he may be glorified by doing an amazing work in a people who are less than amazing.