Deeper Connection

Many people today are searching for meaningful connections both in person and online. It is our aim as a church through Friends Connect to not only join people with people, but most importantly people with Christ.


Wednesday Night Bible Study

  • Who: Open for all people

  • Where: Urbana Friends Church, in person only

  • When: Wednesday at 6:30 pm

  • This is our foundational Bible Study. We go through Scripture together as well as take part in prayer as a group. Questions are encouraged and fellowship is deep.


Mens Connect

The message of this group is catered towards men. Currently, we meet in person at Urbana Friends Church on Thursday’s at 6:30. We spend time in prayer and in Scripture, while also forging a deeper community with one another by spending time with one another. We also look forward to having several outings as a group to be in fellowship outside the walls of the church building.


Walking Club