Urbana Friends Church

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1 Samuel 5-6

  • 5:1-5 The Philistines captured the ark of the covenant and placed this representation of the Hebrew God next to their own god. In private, we see this lifeless Dagon bow before the ark. The second day, Dagon’s figure had lost both arms and his head. This showed it’s unworthiness to be next to the God of Israel.

  • 5:6-12 The Philistines begin passing the ark of the covenant from city to city because wherever it went destruction of the people followed. They return the ark to Israel because of the tumors it brought to the people.

  • 6:1-9 The Philistines recognize the hand of God upon them, judging them for taking the ark from the Israelites. So, they decide to return the ark along with a guilt offering in order to repent of their sin.

  • 6:10-16 The box is returned and the people of Israel rejoiced by offering the cows that returned it as sacrifice before the Lord.

  • 6:17-21 God shows again his seriousness by sticking down some of his own people at Beth-shemesh. The people had lost the ark because the people assumed God’s hand and looked to a box for salvation. God reminds them of the power the ark represents in the ark’s return. He is deserving of respect and fear.